Digital marketing media (website, email, video), team analyzing PPC ROI

13 Must-have digital marketing tools to help you grow Your Business

When you think about digital marketing, what comes to mind? Most people would say online advertising, SEO (search engine optimization), or social media marketing. And that’s all good and well, but there are a lot of other powerful tools out there that can help your business grow. In this blog post, we will take a look at thirteen of the most essential digital marketing tools that can help you reach more customers, expand your reach and grow your business. From landing pages to email marketing platforms and more, read on to learn everything you need to get started with digital marketing.


Social Media Calendar and Scheduler | Hootsuite - Hootsuite

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Hootsuite is a social media management platform that helps users manage multiple social media accounts from one place. With Hootsuite, businesses can track and analyze their social media performance, and make adjustments to their marketing strategy as needed.

Hootsuite also offers features such as live streaming, push notifications, and global search that can help businesses connect with customers on a more personal level. Additionally, Hootsuite offers tools for managing brands’ digital presences including website analytics and email marketing campaigns.

Overall, Hootsuite is a comprehensive platform that can help businesses grow their online presence by making it easier to monitor and manage their social media accounts.


BuzzSumo | Pricing

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BuzzSumo is a website that helps you discover the most popular content across the web. You can use it to see what’s being talked about on social media, in blog articles, and even on Wikipedia.

This tool can also help you track and analyze your competitor’s content. By seeing which pieces of content are getting the most engagement, you can figure out what’s working for them and what needs to be changed in order to try and get ahead.

You can also use BuzzSumo to find new trends in digital marketing. By examining the most popular content across all genres, you can better understand how best to market your business to current and future customers.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics Dashboard & Report Tools - AgencyAnalytics

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Google Analytics is a free tool that helps you track the success of your online marketing campaigns. By tracking traffic sources, keywords, and other factors, you can see how your efforts are contributing to your business’s growth.

Other must-have digital marketing tools include Adobe Analytics, Facebook Insights, Twitter Metrics, and Yahoo!analytics. These programs help you track website traffic, conversions (from website visitors to customers), engagement (how often people visit your site and interact with content), and search engine optimization (SEO).


Mailchimp says an internal tool was used to breach hundreds of accounts |  TechCrunch

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MailChimp is a top-rated email marketing tool that helps small businesses grow their customer base. With its easy-to-use interface, MailChimp allows businesses of all sizes to send out newsletters, create beautiful email templates, and track the success of their campaigns.

MailChimp also offers powerful features for marketers who want to track their leads and conversions. The platform provides detailed visitor data such as subscribers, unsubscribes, and clicks throughs on your emails. This information can be used to improve your marketing strategy and grow your business even faster!


Introduce Our New Website Builder | Leadpages

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LeadPages is a tool that helps you create powerful landing pages to drive more leads and sales. Landing pages are the most important part of any online marketing campaign, as they’re the first step that potential customers take when exploring your product or service.

With LeadPages, you can easily create custom landing pages that convert better than anything else out there. You can also use LeadPages to amplify the impact of your other marketing efforts by funneling leads directly into your email list.

In addition to landing pages, LeadPages also offers powerful features for creating automated email campaigns, popups, and web forms. This makes it easy to capture contact info, schedule appointments, and collect payments from customers.

Overall, LeadPages is one of the most effective tools available for digital marketing. It’s simple to use and has tons of features that help you grow your business faster.

Sprout Social

Sprout Social: Social Media Management Solutions

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  1. Sprout Social is a social media management tool that helps businesses of all sizes manage their accounts, posts, and interactions on social media.
  2. The platform offers a variety of features to help businesses with their social media marketing, including:

-An analysis tool to track performance and compare results against competitors

-A timeline that shows how different posts are performing over time

-Follower growth tracking to see who’s engaging with your content most

-Advanced scheduling tools to make sure your posts go out at the right time and place

-Integrated analytics that show how people are reacting to your content


ConvertKit: The creator marketing platform

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If you’re looking to grow your business, there are a few must-have digital marketing tools you need to have on your list. One of the most important is ConvertKit, which can help you create powerful and effective campaigns that will help drive traffic and leads your way.

ConvertKit is a powerful tool that allows you to design and launch stunningly designed email campaigns, landing pages, and even social media posts all from one central place. You can also easily track conversions and measure the effectiveness of your campaigns by using their powerful analytics platform.

If you’re looking to grow your business online and increase your ROI, ConvertKit is essential software that you should consider adding to your toolkit.


Mixpanel: Product Analytics for Mobile, Web, & More

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Mixpanel is a digital analytics platform that helps companies measure their website performance, user experience, and customer engagement. With Mixpanel, businesses can detect and track how users interact with their site, understand what content works best for them, and identify new opportunities for marketing campaigns.

Mixpanel also offers powerful analytics to help marketers understand how users are interacting with their content (such as clicks, scrolls, and time on page), as well as what keywords or topics are driving the most engagement. This data can be used to optimize websites, create better content, and target ads more effectively.

In addition to its website analytics capabilities, Mixpanel also offers app tracking services that let you keep tabs on how people are using your apps on both desktop and mobile devices. By understanding which features are being used the most and where users are dropping off in their experiences, you can optimize your app for success.

Overall, Mixpanel is a powerful tool that can help businesses of all sizes see how they’re performing online and make improvements based on real-time feedback. If you’re looking for ways to improve your digital marketing efforts, Mixpanel is a must-have tool!


Transactional Email API Service For Developers | Mailgun

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Mailgun is a powerful email marketing tool that lets you easily send bulk emails to your subscribers. With Mailgun, you can create an unlimited number of email addresses, track how many people open and click through your emails, and pause or unsubscribe subscribers with just a few clicks. Mailgun also has a built-in API that makes it easy to integrate with other apps and platforms.


How To Ramp Up Your Customer Support Team Using Intercom

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Intercom is a simple, yet powerful tool that can help you manage your customer relationships. With Intercom, you can quickly and easily send automated messages to your customers, which can keep them updated on the latest product or service news, or simply ask for feedback. You can also use Intercom to collect feedback from your customers after they have purchased something from you. This information can help you improve your products and services, and make sure that you’re providing the best possible experience for your customers.

HubSpot CRM

HubSpot | Best Free CRM Software for Businesses

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HubSpot CRM is one of the most popular digital marketing tools on the market. It helps you keep track of your customer data, leads, and sales activities in one place. You can use HubSpot CRM to create custom reports and alerts to stay on top of your business…

HubSpot CRM is a great tool for managing your customer data, leads, and sales activities. It provides customizable reports and alerts to help you stay on top of your business. You can also use it to manage email campaigns, social media accounts, and more. If you’re looking for a comprehensive digital marketing platform, HubSpot CRM is a great option to consider.

Sprout Social CRM

Social CRM Platform | Sprout Social

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If you’re looking for a way to help your business grow, then you need to incorporate some digital marketing tools into your arsenal. There are a lot of great options out there, so it can be hard to decide which ones to use. Here are three must-have digital marketing tools that can help you grow your business:

  1. Sprout Social CRM. This tool is perfect for small businesses who want to manage their online presence and grow their customer base. It has a user-friendly interface and allows you to track all of your social media activity in one place.
  2. Hootsuite. Hootsuite is ideal for larger businesses who want to keep tabs on multiple social media platforms simultaneously. It allows you to post updates and manage comments, posts, and likes on multiple platforms from one central location.
  3. HubSpot Marketing Cloud. If you’re looking for a comprehensive solution that covers all aspects of online marketing, then the Marketing Cloud is perfect for you. It offers powerful features such as lead gen, SMS marketing, and email marketing automation that can help boost your business growth rates exponentially!

ConvertKit CRM

ConvertKit - FunnelKit

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ConvertKit CRM – This tool is perfect for entrepreneurs who are looking to improve their customer engagement strategies. It allows you to manage all of your customer data from one place, which makes it easy to track your success rates and optimize your campaigns accordingly. ConversionKit also has a wide range of integrations with other software programs, so you can easily add additional features as needed.

Mixpanel CRM

Mixpanel: Product Analytics for Mobile, Web, & More

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For businesses looking to grow, there are a few must-have digital marketing tools. Mixpanel is one of these tools, and it’s quickly becoming a favorite among small businesses.

Mixpanel provides tracking for website visits, email subscribers, and social media followers. This information can be used to evaluate customer behavior and track changes over time. Additionally, Mixpanel offers some great features for analytics and optimization.

Mixpanel also integrates with many popular tools, such as Slack and Asana. This makes it easy to get valuable feedback from team members and track progress on projects. Finally, Mixpanel offers a free plan that is perfect for small businesses.

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